Start the search.
RDS Di_p.
VR-20gO/VR-208O/KRF-V888 lO/KRF-V7771 D [E_/K)
O Select the "PTY" icon.
Select the icon again while it is displayed in reverse.
• No sour;d is t_eard while "PTY" is blinking.
• During PTY search, the correspond ng indicator on the main unit
l f a program of the desired type cannot be found, "NO PROGRAM"
is disls_ayed, then after several seconds the dispray returns to the
original display (Display on the receiw_.r main unit)
• When a station with the selected program type is searched, its
recept_o_ starts and the type name disp ay changes to the station
name display {Display on the receiver main unt)
To change to a different program type
i Repeat steps n, Ittl, I=;1,I_1 i
To cancel
111Select the _PTY" icon during PTY search, l