CZ76372,00003AC -19-12DEC11-2/2
CZ76372,00003AD -19-12DEC11-1/1
Symptom Problem Solution
User cannot disassociate from a
Loss of communication with display Check Ethernet cable to ensure solid
MCR LED is blinking
Radio is not connected to a network. Led will blink until the radio is
connected to a network. If the radio
loses connection to a network, the
LED will stay solid until power is
cycled on the radio.
Cap Antenna Connections
Contamination in antenna connections can contribute
to poor radio performance. Ensure antenna connectors
on radio and on roof are covered when antenna is not
connected. If you anticipate having to remove the antenna
for transport or storage, John Deere recommends using
the cap which came on the radio antenna connector to
keep this in good working order.