- 11 - SDEC -X000 DACS Calibration Manual v1.0.doc
not have the file you should be able to retrieve it from the
SDEC directly.
NOTE: To access the design file you will need a user name
and password
• User Login: JBL Synthesis Dealer
• Password: synthesis
Figure 9.
6.2.2 Opening from a Network Device
The SDEC allows you to use the unused portion of memory as
a virtual hard drive. This space can be used to store copies of
the design file (as from the factory) or copies of your
customized design for the specific installation you are working
on... To do this select “File” then to “Open from Device
Network” instead of “File” and “Open”
Note: Check to make sure that you are using the most current
version of the control file. Please contact JBL Synthesis
Technical Support or your JBL Synthesis Representative for
the most current information.
6.2.3 Firmware Upgrade
If the firmware needs to be updated, check OK to proceed. The
unit may need to be rebooted. The software will check to make
sure the unit has the latest version automatically. You will
receive a message that “No Matched Devices” are found. This
is because the unit is being rebooted during firmware upgrade.
Wait for the unit to reboot and click Online as described
6.2.4 HiQnet Node Address
If the below HiQnet node address message appears, click
NO. We want to maintain the address of the device in the
design, and then click OK. The device will be rebooted. You
will need to wait for the unit to reboot and click Online as
described above.
Figure 10.
6.2.5 Design Configuration
The design that the hardware has in its memory will be
checked against the design you have in your software. These
must match. If they do not match it will be necessary to have
the design updated. Please call your JBL Synthesis
Representative for instructions. It can be done in the field but
special instructions are needed. The Java remote does not
require and special login.