Low-frequency sounds are
normally omnidirectional,
meaning the listener can’t tell
where they are generated from.
However, frequencies between
75Hz and 150Hz can be local-
ized, especially at higher vol-
ume levels. Positioning your
subwoofer as recommended
will provide the most natural
soundstage and imaging from
your loudspeaker system.
It is generally recommended
that you install your HTI88 in-
wall subwoofer along the same
wall as the front loudspeakers.
The HTI88 subwoofer is not
video-shielded and should not
be placed near a video display.
Installing the HTI88 near a cor-
ner will tend to maximize low-
frequency output. Be cautious
when installing in a corner, to
avoid a “boomy” sound. Also
take into consideration any
unusual features of the room,
such as an alcove, which may
tend to create a localized node
that may affect bass response
in that area of the room.
It is generally recommended
that the speaker be installed so
that the bottom of the speaker
is approximately 12" from the
floor. This is to help with the
low-frequency loading (bass
reinforcement). This also helps
hide the speaker in a less visi-
ble place. In special circum-
stances it is acceptable to
install the speaker at any
height on a wall.
Remember that these are just
guidelines. Since every listen-
ing room is different, JBL
strongly recommends experi-
menting with the positioning of
your subwoofer prior to cutting
the wall to obtain the most
pleasing results in your room.
One technique that can help
you find the ideal subwoofer
location is to temporarily bor-
row a stand-alone subwoofer
and place it near the main lis-
tening location. Then move
around the room and determine
where you hear the most pleas-
ing bass performance. This
would then be the ideal loca-
tion for the subwoofer.
When using two HTI88 in-wall
subwoofers, you may need to
be concerned about phase,
as the sound waves may
cancel each other out. If bass
response seems low, try invert-
ing the polarity on one sub-
woofer – i.e., connect the (+)
terminal on the amplifier to the
(–) terminal on the speaker, and
the (–) terminal on the amplifier
to the (+) terminal on the
HTI88 OM 4/19/05 4:43 PM Page 3