On a Mac, a plug-in in the VST or AU format is automacally located by the host and no acon
needs to be taken for the VST/AU host to nd the ReValver® plug-in. It should be automacally
listed among the available plug-ins aer a rescan.
In Windows, it is possible to install the VST plug-in at any locaon. To make the VST host aware of
this locaon it must manually be pointed to. During the installaon of ReValver, you are given a
choice of locaon to install the VST (separate from the stand-alone version). We recommended
that you install ReValver to a locaon you have already used with the host. Most DAWs provide a
means to list available VST paths.
For example:
Menu: Opons -> Preferences -> Plug-ins -> VST
Press “Add” to browse to the VST path where the ReValver VST is installed. You then press “Rescan
When the host recognizes ReValver, you should insert the program on each track that you wish to
use it. This method varies between DAWs.
Recording a Guitar is not as easy as it might seem, but it doesn’t have to be dicult. If your Guitar
is not powered by a baery (and very few are), then it is generang an electrical signal which is
not compable with most sound cards.
There are common electrical standards between audio gear, and unfortunately the Guitar falls
completely outside those standards because it is passive. The electrical signal from the Guitar is
the result of the movement of metallic strings over a magnec pickup, and this is rarely accept-
able as an electrical source when you connect it directly to a computer sound card.