3. RECORD - Initiates a new non-scheduled recording. You will be prompted for a name
and location to save this recording. The symbol on the Record button will turn bright red to
indicate recording is in progress. Shortcut keys: + S
4. SKIP BACK - Moves the timeshift playback position backwards by a fixed amount of
time or to the beginning of the source. These settings can be configured in the Recording
& Playback section of the radio Shark Preferences. Shortcut key: HOME
5. REWIND - Press the Rewind button to reverse playback speed. Each press increases the
reverse speed. While rewinding the symbol on the Rewind button will turn blue. Shortcut
key: ←
6. PLAY - Press to play or pause the audio (recording will still continue while playback
is paused). Pressing the Play button while rewinding or fast-forwarding will cancel those
functions and resume normal playback. When playback is active the symbol on the Play
button will turn green. Shortcut key: Spacebar
7. FAST FORWARD - Press the Fast Forward button to increase playback speed. Each press
increases the playback speed. While fast-forwarding, the symbol on the Fast Forward
button will turn blue. Shortcut key: →
8. SKIP AHEAD - This moves the timeshift playback position forward by a fixed amount of
time or to the end of the source. These settings can be configured in the Recording &
Playback section of the radio Shark Preferences. Shortcut key: End
9. LIVE - Press to listen to live radio at any time.
Shortcut key: L