Griffin Technology shark 2.0 Stereo System User Manual

BOOKMARKABLE - Files recorded with radio Shark can be made to retain their position between
playback sessions when used in either your iPod or within iTunes. Enable the bookmark option by
clicking the checkbox. 
TIMESHIFT - This sets the maximum amount of time the Buffer will record before starting over. Radio
SHARK employs a circular buffer. If you set Buffer Length to 30 minutes,the Buffer records for 30
minutes, loops back to the beginning and continues recording.
CONTROLS - These allow the transport control buttons to jump using specific time intervals, or by
default, to the beginning and end of the Timeshifted recording. The transport controls from the main
interface are show below.
ITUNES - This is a quick and easy way to add files recorded with the radio Shark right into Apple’s iTunes
program. Also, a space is provided for you to specify in which playlist the recordings are placed.