Address manager
The navigation radio offers the opportunity of storing at least 30 destination addresses
in a personal address book. In the address book, you can store your destinations
separately under the categories “Private” and “Business”. The “Home” and “Work”
shortcuts, which can be programmed with your home address and business address
respectively, are also available here.
Select “Address manager” in the main menu and
confirm the selection.
The address manager is displayed.
The following options are available:
Storing addresses in the address book.
If you have not yet entered a destination address:
Enter the data of the required destination address (city, road, intersection or special
facility) into the destination menu.
In the main control, select the “Address manager” option.
Next, select “Store address”.
Select which address books the address should be stored in (private, business, home
or work).
The name input menu appears.
Using the “keyboard,” enter any string of up to 15 characters as the name for the
address. Complete the input with “o”.
If you do not wish to enter a name, select “o” directly.
The address is now stored in the selected address book.
Delete address
Addresses that are no longer needed should be deleted from the address book to ensure
sufficient space for new addresses.
Select “Delete address” in the address manager.
Select which address book the address should be deleted from (private, business,
home or work).
A list of the destination addresses stored in the selected address book is displayed.
Select an address to be deleted from the list and confirm your selection.
The selected address is deleted from the address book.
Delete via points
If via points have been entered for the current destination, you can display the via
point list and delete via points from it.
Select “Delete Via_Points” in the address manager.
A list of the stored via points appears.
Select a via point to be deleted from the list and confirm your selection.
The selected via point is deleted.
Via points can also be deleted in the “Viapoints” information menu, see page 41.
Address manager
Store address
Delete address
Delete via points
Store current loc.