The Logic Input Definitions screen is used to assign specific ‘actions’ to the sixteen Logic Inputs. Logic Inputs allow remote control of the
MG2500 via external circuits, such as switches, contact-closures, active driver circuits, and/or ‘open-collector’ logic outputs (see Logic
Inputs on pg. 12). From the factory, Logic Inputs 1~16 have no pre-programmed functions. However, using the Logic Input Definitions
screen, each Logic Input may be assigned various ‘actions’. Logic Inputs
selects which Logic Input is to be defined. NOTE: Since Logic
Inputs are controlled by switches, contact-closures, etc., each Logic Input may be assigned certain actions to perform when the switch is
‘opened’, and different actions to perform when that same switch is ‘closed’. Binary Mode
selects a special group of Logic Inputs which
can also be defined. This allows certain actions to be performed only when a specified condition of open/closed Logic Inputs exists within
the group. When a Binary Mode is selected, indicators for the chosen group of Logic Inputs will appear below. Binary Combination
selects the specific combination of open/closed (on/off) Logic Inputs that needs to exist (for the assigned actions to be performed). When a
combination is selected, indicators will light (red) to designate which of the Logic Inputs within the group are closed (on) for that condition.
NOTE: When a Binary Mode is selected, the chosen group of Logic Inputs can no longer be defined individually. It is not necessary to
select a Binary Mode when simply defining individual Logic Inputs. Power-Up Actions
allows specific actions to be assigned for the
MG2500 to perform each time power is turned on. Echo Character
selects the RS-232 ASCII character which will be transmitted via the
MG2500 Serial Port whenever the selected Logic Input is switched. NOTE: From the factory, no echo characters are assigned to the
Logic Inputs. Echo Characters are used primarily for customizing remote control commands amongst various RS-232 controlled products
within a system (see RS-232 Control on pg. 13). Store System Preset
allows store actions for Temp Presets A~D to be assigned to the
selected Logic Input. Temp Presets A~D allow current settings of the MG2500 to be temporarily stored in memory. Temp Presets are
useful when re-establishing settings which existed prior to a change. For example: recalling settings for noise masking, after paging has
occurred. Recall System Preset
allows recall actions for Presets 1~16, and Temp Presets A~D, to be assigned to the selected Logic Input.
NOTE: System Preset actions affect settings from all stages of the MG2500 (Inputs, Gain Matrix #1, Gain Manager, EQ, Gain Matrix #2,
Delay, & Outputs). However, the settings that Presets 1~16, and Temp Presets A~D, store for specific stages of the MG2500 may be
recalled independently. Input/Noise Gain
, Gain Matrix #1, Output 1/2 Gain Manager, Output 1/2 EQ, Gain Matrix #2, Output 1/2 Delay, and
Output 1/2 Gain
allow recall actions for their respective portions of Presets 1~16, and Temp Presets A~D, to be assigned to the selected
Logic Input. For example: two independent processing channels, each with independent preset selection. Output 1/2 Gain
also allow
various output volume & muting actions to be assigned to the selected Logic Input. Clear
allows all actions assigned to the selected Logic
Input (or all Logic Inputs) to be cleared. Help
provides additional instruction. Close will close the Logic Input Definition screen.