Feedback Prefix Definitions:
MT Card Model Number
VR Firmware Revision
GN Video Gain Levels
EQ Equalization Levels
Command = [EQ1=1C4]
Feedback = (EQ0132C04)
EQ = Equalization
01 = Input 1 Equalization
32 = Input 2 Equalization
C04 = Card ID
12. [STA0]
This command disables automatic feedback
from the card and front panel. The command
affects all cards with auto-feedback capability,
not just the MT115-111. The default at power
on or reset is STA0, OFF.
Command Format: [STA0]
13. [EQ]
This command displays the equalization setting
for an input and selects that input for adjustment
using the [+] and [-] commands.
Command Format: [EQmCn]
m = Input # (m = 1 or 2)
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Display the equalization setting for Input 1 of C4,
then increase the equalization level by 3 from a
starting value of 12.
Send the command [EQ1C4] and the current
setting for Input 1 will be displayed.
Next, send the commands [+], [+], and [+] to
increase the setting by 3. Send the [EQ]
command again to receive new value.
Card control commands allow the main functions of
the card to be executed over the RS-232 bus, or
from the front panel’s programmable keys.
14. [EQ=]
This command sets the equalization for an input
to a value specified by the user.
Command Format: [EQm=xCn]
m = Input # (m = 1 or 2)
x = Equalization level (m = # from 1 to 64)
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Set the equalization on Input 2 of C4 to a value
of 32 by sending the command [EQ2=32C4].
The card will respond with feedback of “[ ]” once
the command is executed.
15. [GAIN]
This command displays the gain setting for an
input and selects that input for adjustment using
the [+] and [-] commands. A gain setting of 4 is
equivalent to unity gain.
Command Format: [GAINmCn]
m = Input # (m = 1 or 2)
Cn = Card ID (n = slot # from 1 to max slots)
Display the gain setting for Input 2 of C4, then
decrease the gain level by 3 from a starting
value of 10.
Send the command [GAIN2C4] and the current
setting for Input 1 will be displayed.
Next, send the commands [-], [-], and [-] to
decrease the setting by 3. Send the [GAIN]
command again to receive new value.