The next commands are a function of both the card
and the front panel and allow flexibility over when
and how card information is displayed.
8. [FBD]
This command turns feedback delay on or off. It
is necessary when installing some newer cards
in older systems. If the system does not receive
all of the feedback from the card, the card may
be communicating too fast. This command will
slow down the card's communication rate.
Command Format: [FBDm]
m = Delay (0= no delay, 1= delay 100mS)
The command [HELPC4] is sent to the card in
slot 4. Some of the HELP file is displayed on the
screen, but most is missing. Send the command
[FBD1] to slow down the rate at which the card
sends feedback to the system.
9. [?]
This command will return general information
about the MultiTasker and cards installed in the
Command Format: [?Ui]
Ui = Unit ID (i = from 0 to 9)
A MultiTasker with unit ID 1 has a front panel
with part number MT101-101 and contains an
MT103-122 and MT115-111. Send the
command [?U1] and receive the following:
MT101-101U1 = Panel number/unit ID
MT103-122C01 = MT103-122 is in slot 1
MT115-111C04 = MT115-111 is in slot 4
10. [?C]
This command will return general information
about the card and its status.
Command Format: [?Cn]
Cn = Card ID (n = # from 1 to max slots)
The MT115-111 in slot 4 has Inputs 1 and 2 set
to their default values. Send the command [?C4]
to receive feedback similar to the following.
[(MT115-111C04) (VR690-0231-001C04)
(GN0404C04) (EQ3232C04)]
All feedback is enclosed in square brackets.
Each data field in the status is in parentheses.
The first two characters identify the status type
and the last three are the card’s ID.
MT115-111 = Card model number
VR690-0231-001 = Firmware version
GN0404 = Video gain levels
EQ3232 = Equalization settings
The video gain levels are displayed for both
Input 1 and Input 2. The first 2 digits are the
setting for Input 1 and the last 2 digits are the
setting for Input 2. In this case, both are set to a
level of 4 out of 11.
The equalization levels are displayed for both
Input 1 and Input 2 as well. The first 2 digits are
the setting for Input 1 and the last 2 digits are
the setting for Input 2. In this case, both are set
to a level of 32 out of 64.
11. [STA1]
This command enables automatic feedback
from the front panel. The command affects any
card with auto-feedback capability, not just the
MT115-111. The power on default or reset is
STA0, off. For more details, see the [?Cn]
command definition.
Command Format: [STA1]