2 Connect the speaker cords to the speakers.
Connect the cords with the white stripes to @ terminals and
the other cords to @ terminals.
Before connecting the AC cord
The rated voltage of your system shown on the bottom of the
tuner/amplifier unit is 120 V AC. Check that the rated voltage
matches your local voltage.
● Connect the speakers, antennas, and all optional equipment
first. Then connect the AC cord.
● There are no differences between the front speakers. Both
3 Connect the speaker cords to the tuner/amplifier
speakers can be connected as L (Left) or R (Right).
1 Place the CD/tape unit on top of the tuner/
The cords with the white stripes should be connected to the
amplifier unit and plug in the connector of the
terminals and the other cords to the 0 terminals.
flat cable as shown below.
Note that the connector can be plugged in in only one direction
with the flat cable facing left.
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~ @ ~,zE~’
● “5P
t cable
After plugging in the connector, allow adequate clearance
between the flat cable and the ventilation openings.
FM antenna