[F8]: ZONE
Sets the zone of each element (the keyboard and
velocity ranges within which the sounds are played). A
different zone can be set for each element.
■ Note Limit Low
Sets the lowest note of the zone on the keyboard, for
each element.
❏ Settings: C–2~G8
The lowest note you set here and the value in Limit
High (Note Limit High; see below) determine the range
of notes which can be played on the keyboard.
■ Note Limit High
Sets the highest note that each element can play.
❏ Settings: C–2~G8
It is not possible to set the Note Limit Low above the
Note Limit High, or the Note Limit High below the
Note Limit Low.
You can designate the key by pressing the key on the
keyboard while holding [F8] key.
■ Note Xfade (Note Cross Fade)
Sets the cross fade range (Note Limit Low and High)
of each element. As the value increases, the range
becomes wider. A setting of “0” produces no effect.
❏ Settings: 0~127
■ Vel Limit Low (Velocity Limit Low)
Sets the lowest velocity value of each element wave
that is detected when the keyboard is played.
❏ Settings: 1~127
The lowest velocity value set here and for the value set
in Vel Limit High (Velocity Limit High) determines the
range of velocity for the selected element wave.
Note Limit HighNote Limit Low
Note Range
Cross Fade
Cross Fade
■ Vel Limit High (Velocity Limit High)
Sets the highest velocity value of each element wave
that is detected when the keyboard is played.
❏ Settings: 1~127
■ Vel Xfade (Velocity Cross Fade)
Sets the cross fade velocity range (Vel Limit Low and
High) for each element. As the value increases, the
range becomes wider. A setting of “0” produces no
❏ Settings: 0~127
Zone Graphical Display
On the left side of this screen the zone (keyboard
and velocity range at which sound will be produced)
is displayed. The note range is indicated by the
horizontal axis, while the velocity note range is
indicated by the vertical axis. As each parameter
value is adjusted, the shape of the black box, which
represents the note range, changes accordingly. The
zones of other elements are stacked and displayed
below the element zone that is currently selected.
C4C–2 G8
Note Range
Vel Limit Low Vel Limit High
Note Range
Velocity Cross Fade
Voice/E.qx 5/21/98 11:29 AM Page 82