2. Copy Track
This job copies all data from a specified track onto
another. The song’s Play Effects data and other settings
are copied at the same time. This operation overwrites
any data already existing on the destination track.
■ Src Track (Source Track)
Sets the source track that will be copied.
❏ Settings: 1~16
■ Dst Track (Destination Track)
Sets the destination track that will be copied to.
❏ Settings: 1~16
3. Clear Track
This job erases all data from a specified track.
■ Track
Sets the track that will be cleared.
❏ Settings: 1~16 (Sequence tracks 1~16), ptn (Pattern
track), pfx (Pattern Play Effect track), tempo, all
(All tracks)
4. Mix Track
This job mixes all data from a specified sequence track
(Mix source track) with another track’s data (Mix
destination track). When the operation is complete, the
destination track contains both its original data and a
copy of the source track’s data.
■ Src Track (Source track)
Sets the Mix source track.
❏ Settings: 1~16
■ Dst Track (Destination track)
Sets the Mix destination track.
❏ Settings: 1~16
5. Normalize Effect
This job overwrites the data in the specified sequence
track and applies the Play Effects settings (Page 187)
permanently to that track. The Play Effects settings on
the track will be reset to the initial status.
■ Track
Sets the track where Normalize Effect is executed.
❏ Settings:1~16 (Sequence tracks 1~16), all (All tracks)
6. Time Stretch
This job expands or compresses the timing over the
designated range on the specified track. The operation
affects all note step times, gate times, and event timing,
expanding or compressing the entire designated range.
■ Track
Sets the track where Time Stretch is executed.
❏ Settings: 1~16 (Sequence tracks 1~16), all (All tracks)
■ Measure
Sets the measure range (beginning measure to the
end measure) where Time Stretch is executed.
❏ Settings: 001~999 (for the beginning measure and the
end measure)
■ Time
Sets the ratio in percentages of the expansion or
compression in the designated range.
❏ Settings: 50~200%
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