[F8]: DCF (Dynamic Control Filter)
■ Resonance
Parameters which let you boost specific frequencies
around the cutoff frequency.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ Cutoff Freq (Cutoff Frequency)
Sets the cutoff frequency for the filter.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ Freq EG Depth (Frequency EG Depth)
Sets the depth of the change in the cutoff frequency
over time. The larger the value, the wider the change
in depth becomes. Negative values will produce an
inverted envelope.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ Freq K.Follow (Frequency Key Follow)
Sets the cutoff frequency for KeyFollow. The Freq
K.Follow function adjusts the cutoff frequency in
accordance with the notes played on the keyboard.
When Freq K.Follow is applied, the cutoff frequency
changes relative to the pitch set in the Freq K.Flw
BP (explained below). When set to a positive value,
the lower the note played, the lower the cutoff
frequency becomes. When a negative value is set, the
higher the note played, the lower the cutoff
❏ Settings: –64~+63
■ Freq K.Flw BP (Frequency KeyFollow Break
Sets the basic pitch for Frequency KeyFollow.
❏ Settings: C–2~G8
[F5]: AMP (Amplitude)
When VL Element is selected, there are two menus
available with Amplitude parameters.
[F6]: PARAM (Parameters)
[F8]: EG (Envelope Generator)
[F6]: PARAM (Parameters)
When the VL Element is selected, Level Vel (Level
Velocity) is inactive. Other settings are the same as for
the AWM Elements. For more information about AWM
Elements, see page 96.
[F8]: EG (Envelope Generator)
Sets the Amplitude Envelope Generator for the VL
■ Level K.Follow (Level KeyFollow)
Sets the Level KeyFollow for the VL Element. The
Level K.Follow function adjusts the output level in
accordance with the notes played on the keyboard.
When Level K.Follow is applied, the output level
changes relative to the output level set in the Level
K.Flw BP (explained below). When set to a positive
value, the lower the note played, the lower the
output level becomes. When a negative value is set,
the higher the note played, the lower the output level
❏ Settings: –64~+63
■ Level K.Flw BP (Level Key Follow Break Point)
Sets the basic pitch for the VL Element Level
❏ Settings: C–2~G8
Voice/E.qx 5/21/98 11:30 AM Page 110