■ Streng (Quantize Strength)
When quantizing, the Strength value sets the degree
how much the timing of the note events is moved
toward the quantizing line, or the original quantize
A setting of 100% moves each note event all the way
to the quantizing line. A setting of 50% moves each
note only halfway to the quantizing line.
❏ Settings: 0%~100%
■ Sens (Quantize Sensitivity)
The Sensitivity lets you designate the range to which
quantize setting is applied. The range of data to be
quantized is indicated in percentage (%) values.
In the diagram below a 100% value means that a
half of the quantize value extends to the right
(forward) and left (backward) of the quantizing line.
If, for example, the quantize value is a quarter note,
the Sensitivity value of 100% indicates the eighth
note positions at the far right and far left from the
quantizing line.
If you set the Sensitivity to 100% (or –100%), then
quantizing applies to all notes.
If you set the Sensitivity to 50%, then quantizing
applies only to notes in the half-interval span
surrounding the quantizing line. As in the previous
example, with a 50% sensitivity with a quarter note
quantizing value, then all notes within a 16th note to
either side of the line are affected, while notes that
are farther away are left untouched.
If you set the Sensitivity to –50% with a quarter
note quantize value, this would quantize all notes
that are more than a 16th note away from the
quantizing line, while leaving closer notes
unaffected. In a word, you use positive values when
you want to shift only notes that are closest to the
line and negative values to shift only notes that are
farthest away from the line.
❏ Settings: –100%~+000%~+100%
Effective range
Exact position
100% 100%
70 50 30 30 50 70
Use of this feature allows you to correct notes that are
markedly off time while retaining the subtle
discrepancies untouched. To achieve this kind of result,
you would generally want to set the sensitivity between
approximately –30% and –50% to quantize notes that
are quite far away from the quantize note.
■ Rate (Swing Rate)
This setting allows you to slightly delay the note
events in every even-numbered beats of the set
quantize value, thereby giving the rhythm a “swing”
feel. If you are using one of the triplet quantize
values, then the EX applies the delay to the notes in
every third beat in the triplet. If you are using the
or quantizing value, the EX applies the delay only
to the even-numbered beats.
Swing Rate (in percentages), how far the note shifts,
can be set from the length of two or three quantize
values. Available Rate settings will differ depending
on the quantize value.
When the quantize value is , , , :
In this case, 100% represents double the length of
the quantize value. Therefore the original position of
the even-numbered beats which will be affected by
the Rate setting is 50%.
A 50% setting produces no adjustment so that the
even-numbered beat remains exactly centered
without any swing.
Values higher than 50% shift the timing forward, to
produce a “swing” feel for the rhythm.
The maximum value, 75%, shifts the timing to one-
half the quantizing value (a dotted note).
0% 50% 75% 100%
Available range
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