■ BP High (Break Point High)
Sets the Break Points, which affect the parameters
Position and Out Level in accordance with the pitch
change, in the note range above C3. Values can be set
in semitones from C3, which is regarded as the value
of 0.
❏ Settings: 0 (=C3)~+48 (=C7)
■ Position
Sets the gap between the tine position and the center
of the pickup to change the harmonics. The larger
the value, the farther the gap position becomes from
the center.
❏ Settings: 0~127
■ Pos High Kf (Position High KeyFollow)
Offsets the gap position in the note range higher
than the BP High (Break Point High). When set to a
positive value, the higher the note played on the
keyboard, the greater the gap position becomes.
When a negative value is set, the higher the note
played, the smaller the gap position becomes.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ Pos Hmid Kf (Position High Mid KeyFollow)
Offsets the gap position in the note range between
C3 and the BP High (Break Point High).
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ Pos Lmid Kf (Position Low Mid KeyFollow)
Offsets the gap position in the note range between
C3 and the BP Low (Break Point Low). When set to
a positive value, the lower the note played on the
keyboard, the smaller the gap position becomes.
When a negative value is set, the lower the note
played, the greater the gap position becomes.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ Pos Low Kf (Position Low KeyFollow)
Offsets the gap position in the note range lower than
the BP Low (Break Point Low).
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ Out Level (Output Level)
Sets the pickup output level.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ Out High Kf (Out High KeyFollow)
Offsets the change in the pickup output level in the
note range higher than the BP High (Break Point
High). When set to a positive value, the higher the
note played on the keyboard, the greater the change
in the output level becomes. When a negative value
is set, the lower the note played, the greater the
change in the output level becomes.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ Out Hmid Kf (Out High Mid KeyFollow)
Offsets the change in the pickup output level in the
note range between C3 and the BP High (Break
Point High). When set to a positive value, the higher
the note played on the keyboard, the greater the
change in the output level becomes. When a negative
value is set, the lower the note played, the greater
the change in the output level becomes.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ Out Lmid Kf (Out Low Mid KeyFollow)
Offsets the change in the pickup output level in the
note range between C3 and the BP Low (Break Point
Low). When set to a positive value, the lower the
note played on the keyboard, the smaller the change
in the output level becomes. When a negative value
is set, the lower the note played, the greater the
change in the output level becomes.
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ Out Low Kf (Out Low KeyFollow)
Offsets the change in the pickup output level in the
note range lower than the BP Low (Break Point
❏ Settings: –64~0~+63
■ HPF (High Pass Filter)
Sets the cutoff frequency which cuts the lower range
of the pickup output signals. However, this setting is
not available when the Pickup Type “differentiate”
is selected.
❏ Settings: 0~127
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