Professional Access Point
Administrator Guide
Wireless Neighborhood - 72
Navigating to Wireless Neighborhood
To view the Wireless Neighborhood, click the Cluster menu’s Wireless Neighborhood tab.
Figure 5. Neighbour APs Both in Cluster and Not in Cluster.
Understanding Wireless Neighbourhood Information
The Wireless Neighborhood view shows all access points within range of every member of the cluster,
shows which access points are within range of which cluster members, and distinguishes between cluster
members and non-members.
For each neighbour access point, the Wireless Neighborhood view shows identifying information (SSID or
Network Name, IP Address, MAC address) along with radio statistics (signal strength, channel, beacon
interval). You can click on an access point’s IP address to get additional statistics about the APs within
radio range of the currently selected AP.
The Wireless Neighborhood view can help you:
• Detect and locate unexpected (or rogue) access points in a wireless domain so that you can take
action to limit associated risks.
• Verify coverage expectations. By assessing which APs are visible at what signal strength from other
APs, you can verify that the deployment meets your planning goals.