
Professional Access Point
Administrator Guide
User Management - 56
A user with an account that is enabled can log on to the wireless access points in your network.
Disabling a User Account
To disable a user account, select the check box next to the user name and click Disable.
A user with an account that is disabled cannot log on to the wireless access points in your network.
However, the user account remains in the database and can be enabled later as needed.
Removing a User Account
To remove a user account, select the check box next to the user name and click Remove.
If you think that you might need to add this user again at a later date, you might consider disabling the user
account rather than removing it.
Backing Up and Restoring a User Database
You can save a copy of the current set of user accounts to a backup configuration file. The backup file can
be used at a later date to restore the user accounts on the access point to the previous configuration.
Backing Up the User Database
To create a backup copy of the user accounts for the access point:
1. Click the backup or restore the user database link; then click backup user database.
A File Download or Open dialogue box is displayed.
2. Choose the Save option.
A file browser is displayed.
3. Use the file browser to navigate to the directory where you want to save the file, and click OK to save
the file.
You can use the default file name (
) or specify a new file name, but be sure to
save the file with a
Restoring a User Database from a Backup File
To restore a user database from a backup file:
1. Click the backup or restore the user database link; then click restore user database.
2. Select the backup configuration file that you want to use, either by typing the full path and file name in
the Restore field or by clicking Browse and selecting the file.
(Only those files that were created with the User Database Backup function and saved as
configuration files are valid to use with Restore; for example,