Professional Access Point
Administrator Guide
Radio - 133
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Transmit Power Provide a percentage value to set the transmit power for this access point.
The default is to have the access point transmit using 100 percent of its power.
• For most cases,
USRobotics recommends using the default and having the
transmit power set to 100 percent. This is more cost-efficient because it
gives the access point a maximum broadcast range and reduces the
number of APs needed.
• To increase capacity of the network, place APs closer together and reduce
the value of the transmit power. This will help reduce overlap and interfer-
ence among APs. A lower transmit power setting can also keep your net-
work more secure because weaker wireless signals are less likely to
propagate outside of the physical location of your network.
Rate Sets Select the transmission rate sets that you want the access point to support and
the basic rate sets you want the access point to advertise.
Rates are expressed in megabits per second.
• Supported Rate Sets indicate rates that the access point supports. You can
select multiple rates. The access point will automatically choose the most
efficient rate based on factors like error rates and distance of clients from
the access point.
• Basic Rate Sets indicate rates that the access point will advertise to the net-
work for the purposes of setting up communication with other APs and cli-
ents on the network. It is generally more efficient to have an access point
broadcast a subset of its supported rate sets.
The highest basic rate selected is also the access point’s multicast rate. To
transmit multicast packets at a higher rate than the default of 11Mbps, select
a higher Basic Rate.
Field Description