Professional Access Point
Administrator Guide
Class Structure, Commands, and Examples - 240
the station to the access point. With WMM disabled, you can still set downstream access-point-to-station
QoS parameters but no station-to-access-point QoS parameters.
• To disable WMM:
set radio wlan0 wme off
get radio wlan0 wme
• To enable WMM:
set radio wlan0 wme on
get radio wlan0 wme
About Access Point and Station EDCA Parameters
AP Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) Parameters affect traffic flowing from the access point
to the client station (access-point-to-station).
Station Enhanced Distributed Channel Access (EDCA) Parameters affect traffic flowing from the client
station to the access point (station-to-access-point). Keep in mind that station-to-access-point parameters
apply only when WMM is enabled as described in “Enable/Disable Wi-Fi Multimedia” on page 239
Understanding the Queues for Access Point and Station
The same types of queues are defined for different kinds of data transmitted from access-point-to-station
and station-to-access-point but they are referenced by differently depending on whether you are
configuring access point or station parameters.
Distinguishing between Access Point and Station Settings in QoS Commands
Access Point - To get and set QoS settings on the access point, use "tx-queue" class name in the
Station - To get and set QoS settings on the client station, use the "wme-queue" class name in the
Data Access Point Station
Voice - Highest priority queue, minimum delay. Time-sensitive data
such as VoIP and streaming media are automatically sent to this
data0 vo
Video - High priority queue, minimum delay. Time-sensitive video
data is automatically sent to this queue.
data1 vi
Best Effort - Medium priority queue, medium throughput and delay.
Most traditional IP data is sent to this queue.
data2 be
Background - Lowest priority queue, high throughput. Bulk data that
requires maximum throughput and is not time-sensitive is sent to this
queue (FTP data, for example).
data3 bk