Professional Access Point
Administrator Guide
Pre-Launch Checklist: Default Settings and Supported Administrator/Client Platforms - 21
The Guest network must have a DHCP server.
Static IP Addressing
The Professional Access Point ships with a default Static IP Address of (See “Default
Settings for the Professional Access Point” on page 16.) If no DHCP server is found on the network, the
access point retains this static IP address at first-time startup.
After access point startup, you have the option of specifying a static IP addressing policy on Professional
Access Points and assigning static IP addresses to APs on the Internal network via the access point Web
User Interface. (See information about the Connection Type field and related fields in “Configuring Internal
Interface Ethernet Settings” on page 93.)
Recovering an IP Address
If you experience trouble communicating with the access point, you can recover a Static IP Address by
resetting the access point configuration to the factory defaults (see “Reset Configuration” on page 171), or
you can get a dynamically assigned address by connecting the access point to a network that has DHCP.
If you do not have a DHCP server on the Internal network and do not plan to use one, the first thing
you must do after bringing up the access point is change the Connection Type from DHCP to
Static IP. You can either assign a new Static IP address to the access point or continue using the
default address. USRobotics recommends assigning a new Static IP address so that if later you
bring up another Professional Access Point on the same network, the IP address for each access
point will be unique.