Chapter 6 File Operations
File operation restrictions
This section explains which operations are possible on
files stored in each directory.
When required, the following operation tables distinguish
reading and writing from partial reading and writing.
Read: Read data sequentially from the start to the end of
the file.
Partial read: Read only a part of the data in the file.
Write: Write data sequentially from the start to the end of
the file.
Partial write: Write data to a part of the file only.
Operations other than Read and Partial read are possible
only when the Write Inhibit tab of the disc is set to
recording enabled.
Root directory
a) Only when sub item NAMING FORM of setup menu item 036 is set to
b) Only files which can be written by XDCAM
• Directories cannot be created in the root directory.
File name Content Operations
Read/Partial read Write/Partial write Rename Create Delete
INDEX.XML Contains data for management of the
material on the disc.
Ye s N o N o No No
Contains conversion tables for
assigning user-defined names to clips
and clip lists.
Ye s N o N o No No
DISCMETA.XML Contains metadata to indicate the
disc properties.
Ye s Ye s
No No No
MEDIAPRO.XML Contains a list of material on the disc,
basic properties, related information,
and information about access
Ye s N o N o No No
SYSPRO.XML Contains information about device
system settings and menu settings.
Ye s N o N o No No
Other files Files other than the above – No – No –