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Stitct_ Selectol ...........
Stitch Width Control ......
Stitch Length Control ....
Stre_ch Sdtch Control , ,
Zigzag PresserFoo_:
White Zone
To repair a straight or three-cornered
tear, position the tear under the needle
in such a way that the stitching catches
both sides of the tear. When mending a
three-cornered tear, stitch from each
end to the center. It is well to use a
piece of fabric under the tear for rein-
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St_e-tch Sdtciq Control . . . Horizontal
;::'resset- Foot P_-essure, - 0
4_g __ag Poor
Stretch fabric between embroidery
hoops with hole centerd. Lower
presser bar and sew at a slow speed
moving fabric back and forth with a
steady rhythm to cover darning area.
When it is covered, turn fabric I/4 a
turn and sew layer of stitching across
first layer,
If fabric is thin or badly damaged in
hole area, you may want to put a
separate piece under the hole for