Set your machine just as shown in the
illustration in order to straight stitch,
It is important each dial has the fol-
lowing settings:
Stitch Selector ,_,_
......... _ tH
Stitch Width Control ....... 0
Stitch Length Control . . . t2 to 6
Stretch Stitch Control ..... Horizontal
Zigzag Presser Foot
You will find in garment construction that you are doing two types of sewing-
temporary and permanent,
t. Temporary stitching-Usually the longest stitch possible and often done on a
single layer of fabric, The various types of temporary stitching are:
Stay stitching
Guide line marking
2. Permanent stitching-This is the actual stitching that holds the garment togeth-
er, Much of this stitching is visible on the outside of the garment and there-
fore must be good looking,.
The best length stitch to use for medium weight fabrics is 10-t2 stitches per
inch. This is in the middle range of the Stitch Length Control,
You must remember to lengthen the stitch for heavier fabrics, multiple layers of
fabric and thicker seams, Some of these seams are:
Common two layer seams
Curved two layer seams
Top stitched three layer seams
Top stitched four layer seams
When you have two seams crossing each other with considerable thickness, sew
slowly and carefully so the seam will be as strong as possible in this area,