3o Set stitch selectorat [] and bartack
severaltimes at the bottom mark of
the buttonhole. Stop sewingat the
left stitch, Raiseneedleto its highest
position by turning handwheel
toward your
: Step 3
4. Set stitch selector at [] and sew
the other side of the buttonhole
until you approach the top marking
of the buttonhole. Stop sewing at
the left stitch. Raise the needle to
its highest position.
: Step 4
5, Set stitch selector at I_ again and
bartack several times to finish the
Always make a practice buttonhole on a scrap of fabric you plan to use, Try the
buttonhole with the button you will use,
Always use an interfacing in area of garment where buttonholes are placedĀ° Tissue
paper or regular interfacing can be used. Tear paper away after stitching, if it is
For heavier weight fabrics, loosen your top tension slightly,