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Closely spaced zigzag stitches are called satin stitches, This is an attractive stitch
used for appliqueing, monogramming, buttonhole making_
Whenever you are using this stitch, it is well to remember to loosen the tension
of the top thread slightly. The wider the stitch you make, the looser the tension
should be.
If you are stitching on a very soft fabric, use a backing of tissue paper or inter-
facing for a well formed stitch, Puckering of the material will be eliminated and
the bobbin thread will not be visible on the right side of the fabric.
As with all special stitches, it is best to make a sample design on your fabric
before starting the design on the garment..
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Setect an applique design to be applied
to your garment and baste it in place.
Satin stitch around the raw edge of the
applique completely covering the edge.
You may want to do this with a con-
trasting color of thread or same color.