Stitch Selector ............ _
Stitch Width Control .... 2 to 3
Stitch Length Control . . . 12 to 8
Stretch Stitch Control . ° . Horizontal
Zigzag foot or edgestitcher if available
nside of
ed Edge
Fig. 1
1. Finish edge of hem anyway you
desire. Turn up hem appropriate
width, (Fig. 1)
2. Fold garment away from hem leav-
ing 1/8" of hem edge extending,
(Fig, 2)
Fig. 2
Fig. 3
Right Side of
.... [_.t,',-" _ ¢'.i,'? '._.f;tl b :, i,
Fig. 4
3, Place garment under presser foot in
such a manner that straight stitches
will be sewn on extended edge. The
zigzag stitch should just catch the
fold of the garment. (Fig° 3)
4, Press both sides of the finished hem.
The right side of the garment will
show only the blind stitches. (Fig. 4)