DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 85
B.2 APPCONTROL COM3 Bluetooth/Ethernet Switch
Use the appcontrol command to switch between Ethernet and Bluetooth on COM3.
Use the appcontrol option 12 9 command to restore Ethernet settings back to their defaults
The APPCONTROL OPTION 12 9 command triggers a receiver RESET and, on startup, restores the
Ethernet defaults.
The APPCONTROL OPTION 12 1 command resets the XPORT-AR Ethernet device. This does not
restore the Ethernet defaults. The Ethernet device settings are persistent until you issue a FRESET or
APPCONTROL OPTION 12 9 command, see above.
When COM3 uses Bluetooth, the baud rate is set to 115200. When COM3 is switched to Ethernet, the
baud rate is still 115200.
1. When the DL-V3 is in Bluetooth range, your computer can recognize it and is able to
access it using this password: 0000 (four zeroes).
2. If the receiver is turned off, or power is removed, the Ethernet or Bluetooth mode on COM3
is returned to whichever mode was applied before power-down when it is powered up again.
appcontrol function param1 [param2 [param3 [param4]]]
Message ID = 781
1. See also the Ethernet Configuration appendix starting on Page 178.
Field Data
Value Used if
Not Specified
Bytes Format Units Offset
1 Header - - - 0
2 Application control function BLUETOOTH 4 Enum none H
3 Application control parameter 1, see Table 16
and the examples that follow
0 4 Enum none H+4
4 Application control parameter 2 (for future use) 0 4 Ulong none H+8
5 Application control parameter 3 (for future use) 0 4 Ulong none H+12
6 Application control parameter 4 (for future use) 0 4 Ulong none H+16