70 DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3
Chapter 4 DL Explorer
<Overwrite> .......this option enables you to replace the current file on the PC/laptop with the new file
from the receiver
<Rename>...........this options enables you to give a different name to the file that you are transferring
to the PC/laptop
<Cancel>.............this option cancels the file transfer to the PC/laptop
To refresh the files on your CF card, click on the Refresh button. To delete a file from the CF card,
select it and click on the Delete button. To delete all the files on the CF card, click on the Delete All
button. There is no need to highlight any files in this case.
4.3.4 Flight Recorder
The DL-V3 can record the receiver’s hardware status and satellite tracking data. The Flight Recorder
is not on by default. You must request it.
To request a flight record, click on the button in the main DL Explorer window. The Flight
Recorder dialog appears, see Figure 31 below.
Figure 31: Flight Recorder: OFF
Click in the Report HW and/or the Report Tracking check boxes in the Reporting Options section (at
least one option should be selected before recording) of the Flight Recorder dialog. Click on the Start
button to start recording. The Start button appears dim while flight recording is in progress, see Figure
32 below.
Figure 32: Flight Recorder: ON