56 DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3
Chapter 4 DL Explorer
DL Explorer is a powerful program which allows you to edit log groups, upload these groups to a DL-
V3 and download data from the CF card to your PC/laptop. DL Explorer is easy to use and learn,
while still providing a wide range of features and flexibility.
4.1 Basic Operations
4.1.1 Starting DL Explorer
DL Explorer is under the Tools menu in CDU. If you accepted the default installation path, CDU can
start from the Windows Start menu, by selecting Programs | NovAtel OEMV | CDU. Otherwise, select
the path where you installed CDU.
Launch CDU and open, or create, a DL-V3 configuration. Refer to the Establishing Receiver
Communication section of your DL-V3 Quick Start Guide that was included with your receiver. Refer
also to CDU’s Help menu.
Select DL Explorer in the Tools menu to see the DL Explorer main window as shown in Figure 18, DL
Explorer Main Window on Page 56.
Baud rates higher than 115,200 bps are not supported by standard PC/laptop hardware.
Special PC hardware may be required for higher rates, including 230400 bps, 460800 bps,
and 921600 bps.
Figure 18: DL Explorer Main Window