58 DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3
Chapter 4 DL Explorer
groups you defined, and the preset POWERUP group provided by DL Explorer. The POWERUP
group can be modified from the software, see Section , Preset POWERUP Group, on Page 60.
Edit a group name by clicking on it directly in the left side panel. Add a new group using the
button, remove a group using the button or duplicate a group using the button.
Group names are converted to all uppercase lettering.
The default group name (other than the preset POWERUP group name) is GROUPX where X is the
next possible number to make the name unique in the DL Groups dialog (for example, GROUP1). The
group name can be changed but must be unique. Group names can be up to eight characters long but
the first character of the name cannot be a number.
A receiver group consists of information in five tabs:
• Logs See the Logs Tab section on Page 58
• Position See the Position Tab section on Page 60
• Site See the Site Tab section on Page 61
• Interface See the Interfaces Tab section on Page 63
• COM Port See the Ports Tab section on Page 64
Click the OK button to save your changes or the Cancel button to discard your changes and return to
the main DL Explorer window.
Logs Tab
To add a log to a group, select the Logs tab.
Figure 20: Add Log
Select a log from the Name drop down box.