
DL Explorer Chapter 4
DL-V3 User Manual Rev 3 71
The debuglog.bin file stores the results of your recording. Click on the button in the DL
Explorer window to see it.
Click on the button in the DL Explorer window. Then click on the Stop button to stop the
1. If you quit CDU, flight recording continues until you click on the Stop button in CDU's
Flight Recorder window.
2. You can download the debuglog.bin file after you stop the flight recorder.
4.3.5 CF Card Status
To find out the status of the CF card, click on the button in the main DL Explorer window. The
CF Card Status window appears as shown in Figure 33, CF Card Status on Page 71:
Figure 33: CF Card Status
Click on the Format button to format the CF card for use with the DL-V3. The format sequence erases
all data previously stored on the disk. This operation is not reversible and a warning message is also
The Format process closes all log files first. If a file transfer is in progress, it is stopped and then the
disk is formatted. The logs being logged to file are still present in the log list. The following command
can be entered in CDU’s Console window to remove them: unlogall file.