
92 Chapter 4 Selecting the media bay modules for your system
P0993298 02
Selecting the trunk media bay modules
The number and type of lines coming into your system determine which trunk media bay modules,
and how many modules, you require to support your needs. Trunk lines come from either the
public network (PSTN), or they support connections in a private network.
If you are setting up an entirely new system, a site survey must be done to determine your current
and future needs. We recommend that you do the survey before you order any modules.
To select the trunk media bay modules:
1 Record the number of each type of line you have in Table 11.
If you do not know the number or type of lines you have, contact your service provider.
2 Use the number of lines and the number of lines per module to determine how many modules
you need.
Note: If you plan to add any lines in the near future, include them in your initial estimates.
Table 11 Determining trunk module requirements
Type of lines Number of lines
Type of media bay
Number of lines
per module
Number of modules
T1 digital lines DTM 24 ______ DTM
PRI digital lines (NA)
(required for Companion
DTM 23 ______ DTM
E1 digital lines DTM 30 ______ DTM
PRI digital lines (EMEA) DTM 30 ______ DTM
Analog lines CTM
(North American
systems only)
4 ______ CTM
Analog lines CTM8
(North American
systems only)
8 ______ CTM
Analog lines 4X16 combination
(North American
system only)
(also requires a
full DS30 channel
for the DNs)
______ CTM
BRI ISDN lines BRI 4 ISDN loops ______ BRI
Cordless handsets (DECT)
(selected profiles only)
DECT 4 ISDN loops
(requires a full
DS30 channel)
______ DECT