
128 Chapter 9 Starting the system
N0008587 01
9600 bits per second
8 data bits
•no parity
1 stop bit
hardware flow control
Finding the configuration menus
To carry out this procedure, the BCM1000 must be correctly powered up, as described in Chapter
9, “Starting the system,” on page 117.
1 Attach the null modem cable to the serial port on the BCM1000.
2 Attach the other end of the cable to the serial port on the terminal or computer.
3 Ensure that the BCM1000 and your terminal or computer are turned on.
4 If you are using a computer, start your VT100 terminal program.
5 Press <ENTER>.
6 When prompted for a User ID, type:
ee_admin <ENTER>.
7 When prompted for a Domain, press <ENTER>.
8 When prompted for a Password, type:
PlsChgMe! <ENTER>
The Main Menu screen appears. Refer to Figure 50.
Note: For instructions about how to set the transmission parameters, refer to the terminal
or terminal emulation program documentation. The Business Communications Manager
system supports carriage return.
Note: The location of the transmit (TX) and receive (RX) pins on your terminal can vary.
Refer to your terminal or computer documentation to confirm pin locations.
Note: If the Initialization Menu screen appears instead of the Main Menu screen shown
below, your BCM1000 system is not initialized correctly. Systems normally are initialized
at the factory, so this will seldom occur. If you see this on system startup, consult with
your account representative for correct procedure before attempting to initialize your
system. Initializing the system sets such parameters as the hardware profile, which must
match your actual installed hardware configuration.
When you replace a hard drive in a single-disk system, you also will use the initialization
menu to initialize the hard disk to your system. Refer to “Initializing the hard disk
(single-disk system, BCM 2.5/2.5.1)” on page 179.