Item No. Service First 10 hours Every 50 hours Every 100 hours Annually
1. Change engine oil and filter *** *** ***
Pennzoil Marine 15W40, Pennz #PZ-3, AC PF-25
2. Change transmission oil and filter ***
Dextron III w/Mercon
3. Change V-Drive oil ***
SAE 30 motor oil
4. Change fuel filter, Motor / Gas tank *** *** ***
5. Change Spark plugs ***
Indmar Engines MUST use AC MR43LTS
6. Verify Engine timing *** ***
10 degrees advanced (base timing)
7. Engine tune up ***
(Cap, Rotor, Plugs)
8. Clean for change flame arrestor ***
9. Inspect belts, hoses and clamps *** ***
10. Shaft alignment *** ***
Within .003
11. Inspect spark plug wires ***
12. Inspect Raw water pump impeller *** ***
(change annually)
13. Inspect rudder *** ***
(lube, key-way, bolt tight)
14. Inspect Prop Shaft Packing *** ***
15. Inspect Steering Kit Assembly *** ***
(Lube, bolts tight?)
16. Check Engine Coolant (closed cooling only) ***
50:50 mix water w/ethylene glycol MUST meet GM 6038
17. Propeller Tight
(prop nut tight? key-way installed?) *** *** *** ***7
18. Lubricate starter bendix ( Lithium marine grease ) *** ***
Required Maintenance Schedule
Indmar Engines