Integral Self Draining Ice Chest
This item is available on most model boats and can be found either in the observer seat
base, center floor or under bow cushion seating areas. The melted water will drain into
the bilge area of your boat.
The passenger seats located in the rear of the boat are
designed to comfortably seat three persons. Some models
are equipped so the bottom seat can be slid forward and
placed on top of the armrest to provide a sundeck. On
other models the sundeck is built into the storage
compartment cover.
Figure 2-16. Sundeck
The Sundeck is not to be used while the boat is in operation.
Serious injuries or death could occur to persons not seated
properly should the boat come to an abrupt halt.
V-Drive Engine Access Hatch
An engine access hatch is located behind the rear
observers’ seat on the V-Drive. Access allows the ability
to service engine for required maintenance and for
additional storage on both sides of the engine. Your boat
battery will be stored in the starboard compartment.
Ensure the safety pins located in
the storage compartment are
inserted into the hatch assembly.
Failure to do this could allow your
engine hatch door to open while
under way causing damage to your boat and
Figure 2-17. Engine Access