Navigational Lights
As required by the U.S. Coast Guard, all recreational vessels
are required to display navigational lights between sunset and
sunrise and other periods of reduced visibility. All Malibu
Boats are equipped with bow and stern navigational lights.
The bow light located at the tip of the bow is two colored —
red and green, and is used to keep others aware of your
presence when operating your boat at night.
A covered two pronged connector can be found on the top of the transom. The stern light
is plugged into this connector when needed and stored under the rear passenger seat when
not in use.
Storage Areas
Bow Storage Area
Access to a large storage area located in the bow of all models is accessible by lifting the
bottom-lifting strap of the observers’ seat back. The size of the storage differs between
open and closed bow versions. On all open bow boats. The seat cushions can be removed
to provide additional storage.
Gunnel Ski Storage
Conveniently located on both sides of the boat, these storage areas are ideal for the
storage of water skis, and other items.
Floor Ski Storage
Located on the floor between the driver’s and observers’ seats on open bow models with
walk-through, is a panel that when lifted provides access to a large area that can be used
primarily for storage of water skis. This area can also be used to store beverages, if
Transom Storage
Some boat models are equipped with transom ski
storage. Depending on the model, the storage is
accessible from either the interior by lifting the
observers’ seat or from the transom swim platform
by lifting the hatch cover. Most models are
equipped with a locking device for the secure
storage of your ski items.
Figure 2-21. Bow Light
Figure 2-22. Lockable Transom Storage