Figure 3-10. Boat Trim
Towing A Skier
Water skiing is a collective effort involving driver, observer and skier. The degree of
understanding and cooperation between them directly determines the success and
enjoyment of the venture. All must understand that the skier is an extension of the boat.
The driver is no longer responsible for a boat that is 20 feet long, but closer to 95 feet.
Once this is understood, you are underway to a safe and secure adventure together. A
healthy respect for Common Sense Rules of waterskiing safety on the part of the skier,
driver and observer will ensure the risk of skiing accidents is kept to a minimum at all
levels of participation.
A moderate ability to swim is advisable for waterskiers, but swimming ability is no
substitute for a well-fitting life jacket. The wearing of a life jacket or personal flotation
device (PFD) is essential even for expert swimmers. The jacket should be Type III,
approved by the U.S. Coast Guard and designated as a ski jacket. The jacket should fit
snugly, otherwise it could slip up over the skier if the skier should happen to fall at high