Hot Water Shower
If your boat is equipped with a hot water shower, you will find an ON/OFF accessory
switch located on the dash panel. You will find the valves located on the port side of the
motorbox compartment. The shower head can be found in the port gunnel sides. You
should find specific instructions on the use of your hot water shower in the packet of
materials you received with your boat.
Figure 2-31. Shower Head Figure 2-32. Shower Valve
Pull-Up Cleats
Pull-Up cleats are available for all boat models. These
cleats will sit flush on the side of the boat deck when
depressed. To pull up the cleats, simply press the
screw/button located in the center of the cleat. To depress
the cleat, simply press the cleat downward until it locks
into place.
Docking Lights
The docking lights should only be used during slow speed docking maneuvers. The lights
are activated by a switch on the accessory switch panel and have a 10 amp circuit
breaker. Bulb access is through the lens cover outside the boat.
Port-a-Potty/SaniPottie (Sunscape 25 model boats only)
The portable port-a-potty provides simple and convenient
disposal of waste for use in your boat while on the water.
Before using the optional Port-a-Potty toilet, refer to your
owner’s manual that came in your owner’s packet for
complete operating instructions.
Also available as a secondary option is the Port-a-Potty,
available as an upgrade to the standard SaniPottie. The unit
can be cleaned via a 1-1/2" deck drain that will fit most
marinas’ pump-out facilities.
Figure 2-33. Pull-Up Cleat
Figure 2-34. SaniPottie