
100 ROM-DOS Commands
MX2 Reference Guide E-EQ-MX2RG-L-ARC
The /A option copies only source files that have the archive bit set in them. The archive is not
The /D<mm-dd-yy> option copies only those files with a date later than that specified.
The /E option creates subdirectories on the target even if they are empty.
The /M option copies only those source files that have the archive bit set. Once the source file is
copied, the archive bit is reset.
The /P option prompts before each file is copied. The prompt appears as follows; enter Y to copy
the file:
The /S option copies files in subdirectories of the source directory.
The /V option verifies each write to the disk.
The /W option waits before starting to copy files and prompts with the following message.
Press any key to begin copying file(s)
XCOPY \bin\*.exe a: /a
Copies all files in the BIN subdirectory to the A: drive that have an .EXE extension and that have
the archive bit set.