DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
Upgrades, and Administration
Issue 1
April 2000
ATM Switch Feature Interactions
B-7Features Supported
Features Supported
Release 7 and later supports the ATM-CES trunking features listed in Ta b le B - 4
with noted feature interactions. Other features are not listed because they have
nothing to do with trunking.
Table B-4. Release 7 and later ATM-CES trunking features supported
Feature Description
Abbreviated Dialing Has the digits before cut-through put in the SETUP message.
Tones after the cut-through (used by voice response systems)
are generated directly by the ATM board.
Alternate Facility Restriction
Works the same for ATM trunks as for any other trunk.
Attendant Serial Calling Works the same as for other trunks.
Automatic Alternate Routing
Selects a routing pattern, which in turn may select an ATM
Authorization Codes Can override the FRL on incoming ATM calls or block access to
ATM trunks.
Automatic Route Selection Selects a routing pattern, which in turn may select an ATM
CallVisor Adjunct/Switch
Applications Interface (ASAI)
Carries messages (customer account number, for example) in
facilities information elements in Q.931 messages.
Call Detail Recording Applies to trunk groups, not to individual trunk members (same
CDR format used for ISDN-PRI trunks)
CDR Account Code Dialing
Forced Entry of Account Codes
Works with ARS, but not with TAC (ATM trunk groups do not
support TAC).
Class of Restriction (COR) Is used for miscellaneous trunk restrictions: CORs assigned to
individual stations control access to ATM trunks through the
routing table FRL.
Clock/Synchronization Derives synchronization source from T1 or E1 span connected
to the ATM switch(es).
Data Call Setup
Data Hot Line
Data Privacy
Data Restriction
Sets the QoS parameters appropriately for data calls.
DCS Over ISDN-PRI D-Channel
Is supported
End-to-End Signaling Send DTMF digits for rotary phones after the call is connected.
Extended Trunk Access (ETA) Routes a call to a trunk
Continued on next page