DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
Upgrades, and Administration
Issue 1
April 2000
6-38Troubleshooting ATM-PNC
Are talk paths being established between port networks?
■ Can you talk both ways on a set on one port network dialed from another
port network and vice versa?
— The CBR (Constant Bit Rate) virtual circuits (VCs) between ATM
switch PPN port and ATM switch EPN port are used for talk paths
between port networks (PPN to EPN, EPN to PPN, or EPN to EPN).
— They are established when calls are first setup between port
networks. Each virtual circuit represents one party of a complete
multiparty talk path.
— These virtual circuits may persist beyond the duration of a phone
call. The DEFINITY Call Processing software saves virtual circuits
for a few seconds after the end stations have hung up in case the
VC can be used again for another call between the same two port
networks. Also, check 3-way conference calling across 3 port
— There may be other CBR virtual circuits between ATM switch ports
that are not associated with DEFINITY port networks. A common
CBR application is Circuit Emulation, in which T-1, T-3, and so forth
circuits are carried over ATM.
Unusual ATM trouble conditions
A few failure modes in the DEFINITY ECS/ATM switch combination are
particularly difficult to diagnose. One example might be that you cannot make a
completely successful call even though most indications from DEFINITY ECS and
the ATM switch look good.
This section documents some hints and clues that may help diagnose the
following failure modes:
■ Incorrectly typed or omitted EPN route or end system identifier (ATM
■ Swapped routes, end system identifiers, or fiber between a PPN and an
■ Swapped routes, end system identifiers, or fiber between A- and B-side
TN2305/TN2306s on EPN
■ Swapped routes, end system identifiers, or fiber between two EPNs