DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
Upgrades, and Administration
Issue 1
April 2000
6-14Troubleshooting ATM-CES
1. Type
list sys-link
and press Enter. Screen 6-2 shows the screen output.
Screen 6-2. System links information
Ensure that the fields have the values indicated below.
2. On the ATM switch console, look at the switch circuit.
The VBRnrt (Variable Bit Rate) virtual circuits between the ATM switch PPN
and EPN ports are used for signaling between the PPN and each EPN.
■ These are established once when initialized under control of DEFINITY
Call Processing. They represent the ATM Control Link (ACL) and
Expansion Archangel Link (EAL).
■ VBRnrt virtual circuits are also used for ISDN channels between DEFINITY
port networks.
■ Other VBRnrt virtual circuits may exist between ATM switch ports that are
not associated with DEFINITY port networks. A common use of VBRnrt
circuits is multimedia and video-conferencing systems.
Are talk paths being established between port networks?
■ Can you talk both ways on a set on one port network dialed from another
port network and vice versa?
— The CBR (Constant Bit Rate) virtual circuits (VCs) between ATM
switch PPN port and ATM switch EPN port are used for talk paths
between port networks (PPN to EPN, EPN to PPN, or EPN to EPN).
— They are established when calls are first setup between port
networks. Each virtual circuit represents one party of a complete
multiparty talk path.
Link Type/
One PACL to each TN2305/TN2306 in either a PPN or an
EPN, and one EAL to each TN2305/TN2306 in an EPN.
State up
list sys-link
Location Link Type/ State Current Faulted Last Fault
Channel Path Path Recorded
02A0101 EAL up present present 12/06/1997 16:20
01B0202 PACL up present present 12/06/1997 16:17
02A0102 PACL up present present 12/06/1997 16:20