DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
Upgrades, and Administration
Issue 1
April 2000
6-43Troubleshooting ATM-PNC
If an administered pnc-pair is changed, the next time measurements are
gathered, the
entry for the old pnc-pair is replaced with an entry for
the new pair, and all counters are set to 0.
Screen 6-17
shows the output for this command.
Screen 6-17. ATM-PNC latency measurements
Field descriptions
Conserving ATM bandwidth
Port Networks in a DEFINITY ATM-PNC configuration, when used with the Lucent
access concentrators or other ATM switches interfacing to
bandwidth-constricted or congested facilities, can incur contention for
bandwidth, resulting in failed call completions. Figure 6-4
represents a DEFINITY
Orig PN/Dest
Identifies the originating port network and the destination port
network for the measured SVCs (default is blank).
PN Count
The number of setup attempts on the port network
Connection ms
The amount of time (in milliseconds) for the connection
ATM NW Count
The number of setup attempts on the ATM network
Setup ms
The amount of time (in milliseconds) to set up the connection.
The time of the data collection.
list measurements atm pnc-latency last-hour
Switch Name: _______________ Date: 7:23 pm SAT MAR 21, 1998
-----------A-PNC----------- ---------B-PNC----------
Orig Dest PN Connection ATM NW Setup Hour PN Connection ATM NW Setup Hour
PN PN Count ms Count ms Count ms Count ms
1 5 2200 143 2055 153 1900
1 8 1219 78 1144 83 1900
5 8 2663 220 2386 245 1900
5 7 143 105 123 122 1900
4 2 7101 326 6845 338 1900
10 11 353 54 343 56 1900
10 12 3360 76 3326 77 1900
10 1 1570 71 1547 72 1900
1 10 1570 83 1547 84 1900
8 2 1100 62 1038 66 1900