DEFINITY ECS Release 8.2 ATM Installation,
Upgrades, and Administration
Issue 1
April 2000
Administering ATM-PNC and ATM-CES
5-12Administering DEFINITY ECS
ATM-CES administration procedure
Table 5-8 contains ATM-CES administration for
■ ATM signaling groups
■ ATM-CES direct-connect configurations (two CES circuit packs linked by
fiber, with no intervening switches). Observe the note in step 16.
The screens shown are for a Release 8r platform. The screen numbers may
differ for Release 8c, Release 8csi, and Release 8si platforms.
Table 5-8. ATM-CES administration
√ Step Action Description
1. Set the software
Typ e change system-parameters customer-options and
Enter. (init login required)
The Customer Options screen (Screen 5-2
) displays.
2. Set the version field Upgrades only: Set the G3 Version field to V8.
Go to screen 2
3. Turn on ATM trunking Set the Async. Transfer Mode (ATM) Trunking?
field to y (Screen 5-2
Go to screen 3.
4. Administer as
Set the ISDN-PRI field to y (Screen 5-3
Enter to save the changes.
5. Log off/on Log in as craft
6. Install the circuit
Install the TN2305/TN2306 circuit pack and wait for it to
initialize (about 4 minutes )
7. Connect the fiber
optic cable
Attach the fiber optic cable to the circuit pack and to the
ATM switch.
8. Look up ATM circuit
pack locations
Ty p e list configuration atm and press Enter. The name
for this circuit pack appears as ATM INTERFACE (or ATM
9. Administer the circuit
pack personality
Typ e add atm trunk-board
and press Enter. The
ATM Trunk-Board screen (Screen 5-5
) displays.
10. Type a name for the
ATM board
Type the name of the ATM interface circuit pack
(15 alphanumeric characters) in the Name field.
Continued on next page