MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
Learning More
Page 7-9Guides
■ In Chapter 1, a quick reference to the system programming menus,
presented in the order in which they appear in the system, and annotated
so that you can find out what they do.
■ In Appendix B, a fold-out Menu Hierarchy. Many system programmers
remove this chart and hang it on a wall for quick reference.
Using This Guide 7
To find the detailed procedure for one of the common system management tasks
described in Chapter 6 of this
System Manager’s Guide
, check the contents list for
Chapter 3 of
System Programming
. Otherwise, you can use the quick reference in
Chapter 1 and/or the main contents list at the front of the guide or the index at the
back of the guide to find a particular programming procedure.
For information about entering or exiting system programming and using the
programming procedures, refer to Chapter 1.
To perform the procedures, you may find the Menu Hierarchy and other reference
tables in the appendixes helpful.
User and Operator Guides 7
Most of the user and operator guides share a common format and are intended for
standalone use with a certain telephone or operator console. In other words, an
operator who has an MLX Direct-Line Console (DLC) requires only the operator
guide for that console and does not need to refer to the user’s guide as well.