MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
Managing the System
Page 6-78Revising Night Service with Group Assignment
Task List: Changing Group
Coverage Assignments 6
Obtain Form 7c, Group Coverage.
If necessary, read “Coverage” in the
Feature Reference
for detailed
information about this feature.
Plan changes using the planning guidelines above; record the new values
on Form 7c.
Open the System Programming menu from the console or a PC with SPM.
Program the change(s), following the instructions for “Group Coverage
Member Assignments” in the “Optional Group Features” section of
, Chapter 3, or the summary programming instructions below.
When you have finished, file Form 7c with the rest of the planning forms.
Programming Instructions 6
Revising Night Service
with Group Assignment 6
Use this procedure to add or remove extensions, lines (Release 4.1 and later
systems only), and a calling group to a Night Service group for after-hours
Planning Guidelines 6
Revising Night Service with Group Assignment may affect other features. For
more information, see the
Feature Reference
There can be a maximum of eight Night Service groups (no more than one for
each operator position assigned). Any number of extensions can be assigned to a
Night Service group, and an extension can belong to more than one group.
A calling group can also be assigned to a Night Service group.
In Release 4.1 and later systems, you assign outside lines, as well as extensions,
to a Night Service group. When Night Service is turned on by the operator, these
lines ring immediately at all extensions assigned to the group. This feature allows
the system manager to control off-hours operation on a line-by-line basis, and is
particularly useful when applied to personal lines. Night Service lines do not have
Console Procedure
Extensions→More→Group Cover→Dial group no.→
Enter→Dial ext. no.→Enter→Exit→Exit
PC Procedure
→ → →Type group no.→ →Type ext.
→ → →