MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
Putting the System to Work
Page 5-6Scenario 2: A Professional Office
— For fax machine: No coverage
■ After-Hours Coverage. Night Service feature with Group Assignment to
ring in the doctor’s office, nurse’s station, and office manager’s office. The
telephone company sends calls that come into the Listed Directory Number
to the outside answering company; people who work late receive Night
Service calls on the second line, the number of which is unpublished.
■ Paging. Loudspeaker Paging feature with multizone paging to two zones:
— Zone 1: Nurse’s station, lab, physical therapy
— Zone 2: Office manager’s office and staff lounge
■ Quick Dialing. System Directory for the nurse at the nurse’s station to call
pharmacies, for lab staff to call other labs, and for the billing clerk to call
insurance companies. Personal Speed Dial for MLX-10DP and MLX-5D
telephone users. Programmed Auto Dial buttons for the physician.
Personal Directories for MLX-20L telephone users (office manager and the
operator/receptionist). Direct Station Selector (DSS) for
operator/receptionist to reach extensions.
■ Phone Use Reports for Office Manager. Call Accounting Terminal
■ Signaling the Doctor or Nurse’s Station. Use of the Signaling feature for
doctor to beep the nurse’s station for assistance. Use of the Notify feature
for operator/receptionist to activate the light next to a programmed button
on the phone in the doctor’s office.
■ Other Messaging. The physician uses the Do Not Disturb feature and the
Do Not Disturb posted message to prevent interruptions from others in the
system. (Only the operator can use Barge-In to contact the doctor in an
emergency.) Since all phones are MLX display phones, the people in the
office take advantage of the Posted Messages feature when they are out to
lunch or otherwise unavailable. (The nurse often posts a message created
for his or her use when with a patient.)
Scenario 2: A Professional Office 5
This scenario describes a law firm. The communications needs of the company
fall into these categories:
■ Executive Staff. Five partners and four associate partners.
■ Secretarial Staff. Five executive secretaries, a general secretary, two
associates’ secretaries, and an operator/receptionist.
■ Administrative/Support Staff. Eight paralegals, an office manager, a
word processing pool, and a bookkeeping department. The office manager
functions as system manager.
■ All Staff. All staff members share some common requirements, as do the
phones in public areas.