About This Book
Page xxviiIntended Audience
MERLIN LEGEND Communications System Release 5.0
System Manager’s Guide
Issue 1
June 1997
About This Book
The MERLIN LEGEND Communications System is an advanced digital switching
system that integrates voice and data communications features. Voice features
include traditional telephone features, such as Transfer and Hold, and advanced
features, such as Group Coverage and Park. Data features allow both voice and
data to be transmitted over the same system wiring.
Intended Audience 0
This book is specifically designed to help you fulfill your role as system manager
Communications System Release 5.0. To use this guide,
you need have little or no knowledge of the system and no particular experience
or expertise.
How to Use This Book 0
This book provides background information about all aspects of the system,
including system components and features, as well as specific information and
procedures for managing the system.
The first two chapters are especially important as an introduction to the system
and your role as system manager. Therefore, you should read Chapter 1, ‘‘
This First’’, and Chapter 2, ‘‘About the System’’, if you are not already familiar with
these topics.
For more detailed information about features, system programming, and system
components, refer to the
Feature Reference
and to
System Programming
Related Documents’’ on page xxx provides a complete list of system
documentation together with ordering information.